JAL - Unplugged-

”Vault Sessions


Limited release by encyphermusic - JAL -”VAULT SESSIONS”

Limited Release - JAL - “Vault Sessions”

Please join us in celebrating the life of ‘JAL’ with this remastered EP by Manny Ferrer @VSwrld. This EP features 4 duets with encypher. This compilation is from Beans “Vault Sessions”; Under the covers with JAL/encypher.

encyphermusic is proud to release this EP as a guest performer and producer in memoriam for her mom. Let’s all celebrate this life together in harmony with music and art. - peace & love, encypher

*Please visit the music link above to hear the full E.P., spotify link below. Please visit the music tab above to hear the full songs on the site.



JAL/encypher - Under the covers